Goals That Matter

Define goals encompass performance, developmental and career objectives

Radar in numbers:

2 minutes to get initial score

8 Pulses per user

100% Ideal Score
- Run it every 4 weeks if overall score is less 70%
- Run it every 8 weeks if overall score is above 70%.

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Tribu Weekly Report

Company Wide Wellbeing Report

Tribus Benchmark Report

Goals That Matter

A key aspect of the Better Together Framework is defining goals as the compass for meaning and purpose. This includes performance, development, career, and alignment goals.

Goals That Matter - Sub Radars

Performance Goals - Specific objectives and targets related to job performance.

Development Goals - Specific objectives and targets related to personal or professional development.

Career Goals - Long-term objectives and targets related to career advancement or growth.

Alignment Goals - Goals that define an individual's contribution towards strategic objectives.

High and Low Scores

High Scores Meaning

For individuals, setting goals that matter produces a sense of purpose, motivation, and productivity. When individuals feel that their work aligns with their values and contributes to their personal and professional growth, they are more likely to stay engaged and committed to their tasks. 

For teams, high levels of engagement with goals that matter lead to improved collaboration, communication, and performance. 

And for companies, this translates to increased productivity, innovation, and competitiveness.

Low Scores Meaning

On the other hand, low levels of engagement with goals that matter can lead to demotivation, low productivity, and disengaged employees

For teams, this can result in low connection, bad morale, and poor performance while for companies, it can lead to decreased competitiveness, stagnant growth, and high turnover.

Pulses for Goals That Matter

You (and your Tribu) will measure your current Goals That Matter level in less than 2 minutes by rating 8 simple statements (Pulses) answering Yes, Sometimes or No. 

Tribu's Recommendations

If you score low in this radar, or want to reinforce good practices, start with some of the recommendations below; select those than apply for you: 

Continuously work towards your goals until you achieve excellence. Share your progress and challenges with your Tribu, and work together to support each other's growth and improvement on a daily basis.

Back up Research, Science data and References

Every Tribu Radar and Pulse are designed based in scientific studies, if you want to learn more here you can find some resources about Goals That Matter Radar: 

Apply for Full Version

View an example of our reports available in app on full version:

Tribu Weekly Report

Company Wide Wellbeing Report

Tribus Benchmark Report