
Optimized task completion with methods, tools & processes.

Radar in numbers:

2 minute to get initial score

8 Pulses per user

100% Ideal Score
- Run it every 4 weeks if overall score is less 70%
- Run it every 8 weeks if overall score is above 70%.

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View an example of our reports available in app on full version:

Tribu Weekly Report

Company Wide Wellbeing Report

Tribus Benchmark Report

Smart Work

Better Together Frameworks defines Smart Work as the set of methods, systems, and tools used to complete work tasks efficiently and effectively. They can include processes, tools, workflow, automation, optimization and collaboration tools to help individuals and teams achieve their goals.

Smart Work - Sub Radars

Processes & Tools - Efficient and effective methods, systems, and tools used to complete work tasks.

Workflow - Streamlined and organized processes for completing work tasks.

Automation - The use of technology and software to automate repetitive or time-consuming tasks.

Collaboration - Tools to improve communication and productivity, e.g., video conferencing, project management, team collaboration.

High and Low Scores

High Scores Meaning

High Scores in Smart Work can lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction for individuals. It allows individuals to work more efficiently, leading to higher levels of output. 

Additionally, it can promote collaboration and effective communication within teams, resulting in greater innovation. These benefits can help companies achieve constant growth, a better reputation, and increased productivity.

Low Scores Meaning

On the other hand, Low Scores of smart work can have negative effects on individuals, leading to frustration, burnout, and resentment. 

For teams, low levels of smart work can lead to miscommunication, conflict, and low morale. These issues can result in losses for companies, a negative reputation, and high turnover rates.

Pulses for Smart-Work

You (and your Tribu) will measure your current Smart-Work level in less than 2 minutes by rating 8 simple statements (Pulses) answering Yes, Sometimes or No. 

Tribu's Recommendations

If you score low in this radar, or want to reinforce good practices, start with some of the recommendations below; select those than apply for you: 

Consistency is key when it comes to improving your Smart Work radar. Set a goal to work on the recommended practices consistently until they become second nature. Don't be afraid to ask for feedback from your Tribu or share your successes with them. By working together and continually striving for improvement, your team can reach new levels of productivity and success.

Back up Research, Science data and References

Every Tribu Radar and Pulse are designed based in scientific studies, if you want to learn more here you can find some resources about Smart-Work Radar: 

Apply for Full Version

View an example of our reports available in app on full version:

Tribu Weekly Report

Company Wide Wellbeing Report

Tribus Benchmark Report