Mind Safety

Measure the levels of trust, respect and Open communication to increase Collaboration. 

Radar in numbers:

3 minutes to get initial score

10 Pulses per user

100% Ideal Score
- Run it every 4 weeks if overall score is less 70%
- Run it every 8 weeks if overall score is above 70%.

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Tribu Weekly Report

Company Wide Wellbeing Report

Tribus Benchmark Report

Mind Safety

Mind Safety in our Better Together Framework promotes a safe and supportive work environment, which includes feeling safe to take risks, trusting others, feeling respected, having open communication and a sense of belonging. It's crucial for employee well-being and productivity.

Mind Safety - Sub Radars

Psychological Safety - Feeling safe to take interpersonal risks, speak up, and be vulnerable without fear of judgement or retaliation.

Trust - Believing that others will act in your best interest and not take advantage of you.

Respect - Feeling valued and treated with dignity by colleagues and superiors.

Belonging - Feeling connected and valued in the workplace, having a shared sense of purpose and community with others.

Communication - Open and clear communication with coworkers and superiors.

High and Low Scores

High Scores Meaning

High Scores for individuals, creates a sense of belonging, high motivation, and increased engagement. 

For teams, it leads to higher collaboration, effective communication, and greater innovation. And for companies, it results in improved performance, higher retention, and increased productivity.

Low Scores Meaning

On the other hand, low levels of Mind Safety have negative consequences. For individuals, it can cause low morale, stress, and anxiety, leading to low engagement. 

For teams, it results in low cohesion, conflict, tension, and lack of communication. And for companies, it can lead to decreased productivity, negative public image, and high turnover.

Mind Safety

You (and your Tribu) will measure your current Mind Safety level in less than 2 minutes by rating 8 simple statements (Pulses) answering Yes, Sometimes or No. 

Tribu's Recommendations

If you score low in this radar, or want to reinforce good practices, start with some of the recommendations below; select those than apply for you: 

Create a safe and supportive work environment where individuals can express their ideas and concerns without fear of judgment or retaliation is essential. To achieve this, it is important to work on the recommendations provided constantly, seeking to excel in these practices. It is also recommended to share these practices with your Tribu, creating a culture of trust and open communication, where individuals feel valued and supported. By improving these practices every day, we can create a positive ripple effect throughout our teams and improve our overall well-being at work.

Back up Research, Science data and References

Every Tribu Radar and Pulse are designed based in scientific studies, if you want to learn more here you can find some resources about Mind Safety Radar: 

Apply for Full Version

View an example of our reports available in app on full version:

Tribu Weekly Report

Company Wide Wellbeing Report

Tribus Benchmark Report